Introducing the PEFT Series

Introducing the PEFT Series

A Note from Scott, Founder of Torchstack

My dear reader,

As I was writing the initial draft of this PEFT blog post, I realized (too late) that we needed to break up the article into many more pieces. I think this will do a couple of things:

  1. For the novice AI researcher just learning about PEFT and LLM fine-tuning, it will make understanding the nuances and practical implications of PEFT much more digestible. There's just so much to cover, and I wasn't happy in the way I was distilling the ideas behind PEFT to discuss all the topics and concepts I wanted to cover.
  2. For the business owners, startup founders, and other stakeholders, we can demonstrate the business value of PEFT much more clearly. I wanted to discuss several case studies and actual calculations that we'd do to implement PEFT. Let's do it right.
  3. For the technical folk that are interested in the bleeding edge and practical implementations for PEFT: there will be notebooks, code, and projects just for you.

Please stay tuned for the posts and free/paid resources that will be released in the coming weeks. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Thanks for your patience and your support of our work.


A Preview of the PEFT Series

The next set of blog posts will all be related to Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT), where we'll provide an in-depth guide to:

  • What is PEFT and how to use PEFT to make custom Large Language Models (LLMs)?
  • The different PEFT methods: how they differ and the different benefits and risks associated with each method?
  • How to implement different PEFT methods for LLM fine-tuning?
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